About Me

Hi and welcome to my space.  I’m Debbie and I’m here to help you experience the aliveness of your life.   

I am a maturation coach for women who believe they’re missing something in their lives; those who have ticked the boxes, done all the ‘shoulds’ and yet still experience a lack of contentment. I’m here to meet you wherever you are, and walk alongside you as we bring conscious awareness and aliveness back into your life.  To shift your whole life from one of discontentment to deep connection and alignment, so you experience freedom.

Image of Debbie wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, leaning against a cream cabinet next to some cookery books, smiling at the camera

I’m Debbie, a maturation coach, health coach, Cordon Bleu-trained chef, mother to three beautiful (and very intense children), wife to a loving and supportive man, daughter to loving parents, sister to two beautiful humans, and loyal friend to many.

Yet none of these describe WHO I actually am. 

Who I am is a perfectly flawed mother and human! One who loves to feel nourished and connected; who sees beauty and aliveness in life all around her; who is present to the full spectrum of emotions (both in myself and others) and as a result is (mostly) present and connected to life.

I’m a lifelong-student of life, and curious about all things related to human behaviour.

I love food! I’m an amateur grower, appreciate the beauty of raw ingredients, love cooking and naturally adore eating! My most useful skill is being able to whip up a delicious meal out of a seemingly empty fridge!

I am fascinated by the knowledge and power women hold in their menstrual cycle, and how this impacts the wider cycles of our lives.

I’m an amateur astrology enthusiast: Gemini sun, Aquarius moon with Virgo rising, and a 4/1 Generator in Human Design.

Daily movement is one of my top priorities. I’m currently big on yoga, walking, peloton and aerial hoop!

Small moments of ritual and being in community nourish me on a soul level.

What I do

I nurture the most important relationship in your life, that with yourself, in order to set you free. Through a deep connection with, and compassion towards yourself, you’ll find you’re able to let go of the things in your life which are not aligned with who you are, and your whole life becomes available to you.

I know it may seem like you’re a somebody, in a life, to whom things happen; but I’m here to show you the reality where YOU ARE LIFE, and you are co-creating your world in every moment. 

Image of Debbie, by a front door, leaning on cotswold stone wall, wearing a beige dress and smiling at the camera
  • ‘I felt at peace immediately; Debbie was like an Angel rather than a coach, she created a welcoming, warm & nourishing space for me to flourish in, she made me feel so comfortable from the minute we met, I easily shared my thoughts and experiences, before I knew it I was on a path of healing.’


  • From my first session I felt so comfortable talking to Debbie and felt a great trust in her and in her ability to help me and things just improved from there.


How did I get here?

I have lived much of my life in survival mode, ‘hustling’, ‘busying’ and ‘doing’ my way through life without really ‘feeling’ much of it.

A few years ago I reached a point where despite having ‘achieved’ all the things I thought I wanted, I still didn’t feel content, and perhaps even more painfully, I still didn’t feel enough. With the support of my own coach, I learnt that I could change all the things on the outside and yet the feelings were in fact within me, and no amount of searching for ‘something’ out there was going to change how I felt until I faced what I was carrying myself. 

Once I did this, I was able to see how much I was living in grey; that in numbing out my pain I was also unable to experience the joy in my life; and as boulders fell from my eyes I began to see, feel and experience life in colour. No, it wasn’t suddenly all perfect, but I was able to be with the more uncomfortable emotions, and in doing so, allow myself to really feel the beauty in my life too.

And so now, I support others to do the same. To meet themselves wherever they are in life, and gently take off the glasses so they may see the themes, stories and beliefs which are running their life. That the pressure, habits and beliefs they have and always thought were just who they were, may actually be old forms of protection, and although these may have served you once, are now getting in the way of the fullness of the life you really want to live.

My Process

As a maturation coach I stand by you as we explore the ways you have been Being in the world (yes, being! Not what you are actually doing!). I reflect back to you the habits and behaviours you've been exhibiting as exactly that, habits and behaviours, rather than who you actually are.  I believe the most important aspect of my role is to ensure you feel safe and heard, both during our sessions together, in the spaces between and beyond. 

Together we explore these unconscious ways of being, bringing an understanding of how they’ve been serving you and what they’ve been protecting you from.

Within the safe container of our work together, we work with the Body-Mind; 

  • Understanding that your mind is designed to help you survive (but not necessarily thrive). The narrative it is telling you rarely reflects the truth of what is happening but is actually based on past threats and experiences 

  • AND simultaneously, these lived experiences are held physically within the body. So, we need to reacquaint ourselves with our body (yes, the one we’ve likely been punishing, pushing and ignoring for much of our life!) and learn to listen to what she is showing us so we are no longer held captive to the old story, but can create safety, ease and flow within

Through working slowly and compassionately with our Body-Mind, we will create an innate trust and safety inside you, allowing you to grow out of those beliefs which have lived your life. You’ll finally be able to let go of who you thought you were supposed to be in this world, striving for the things you think you might want which are always just out of reach, and with maturity, step into the life you choose; one where you no longer feel separate or alone, and which is in alignment with what you really want and are really here to share. This is why it’s known as maturation coaching, because you are finally ready to mature beyond the stories you created as a child.

Everything comes back to who you are, and how you are being in the world.

Maturation is a freedom, an aliveness. It is your birth right, and my vision is to bring you home to this consciousness.

Where I’ve trained

I studied at Exeter University, and then went on to work in PR - using my communication and people skills to create food and drink campaigns that people would love to be a part of.  I then followed this passion for food and trained as a chef and a health coach so I could nourish and nurture people through food. I now know it’s not just the food we put into our bodies that counts, but also the way we understand and look after our minds (and bodymind really as they’re not separate) which is what called me to train as a Maturation Coach in the Academy of Maturation Coaching with Nicky Clinch.

  • Exeter University - BA Spanish with Sociology

  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition - Holistic Health Coach

  • Tante Marie Culinary Academy - Cordon Bleu Diploma

  • Academy of Maturation Coaching - BodyMind Maturation Coach

Image of Debbie sitting on the sofa wearing a beige dress and writing in a diary